- López-Legentil S, Moneith G, Pilcher J, Hutchings B (2024) Ascidian diversity and abundance in North Carolina shellfish farms. Benthic Ecology Meeting, Charleston, SC (USA).
- Hutchings TB, López-Legentil S, Stefaniak L, Nydam M, Erwin PM (2024) Microbial distortion: Delayed preservation decreases microbial diversity and alters microbiome composition in a marine invertebrate. Benthic Ecology Meeting, Charleston, SC (USA).
- Kennedy GE, López-Legentil S, Tolar BB (2023) Using molecular methods to explore host-associated ammonia-oxidizing Archaea inhabiting ascidian tissues. North Carolina American Society for Microbiology (NC-ASM), Raleigh NC (USA).
- Hutchings TB, López-Legentil S, Stefaniak L, Nydam M, Erwin PM (2023). Distinct microbial communities among microhabitats in an ascidian-crustacean symbiosis. North Carolina American Society for Microbiology (NC-ASM), Raleigh, NC (USA)
- López-Legentil S, Evans JS, Morrison SK, Erwin PM (2023) Evolving together: Microbial symbionts as indicators of speciation. Benthic Ecology Meeting (Miami, FL).
- McNeil T, Nydam M, López-Legentil S, Erwin PM, Stefaniak L (2023) Combining molecular and morphological markers to identify members of the family Perophoridae (Chordata, Ascidiacea). Benthic Ecology Meeting (Miami, FL).
- Hutchings BT, López-Legentil S, Stefaniak L, Nydam M, Erwin PM (2023) Happy at home: distinct microbial communities among microhabitats in an ascidian-crustacean complex. Benthic Ecology Meeting (Miami, FL).
- Gulnick M, Nydam M, López-Legentil S, Erwin PM, Stefaniak L (2023) Furthering ascidian taxonomy through the use of molecular markers. Benthic Ecology Meeting (Miami, FL).
- Erwin PM, Hutchings BT, López-Legentil S (2023) All in the mix: Functional profiles of ascidian microbiomes remain stable despite shifts in symbiont composition. Benthic Ecology Meeting (Miami, FL).
- Morrison KS, López-Legentil S, Erwin PM (2022) Genetic and microbial community analyses in two physiological states and color morphs of the colonial ascidian Polyclinum constellatum. UNCW Center for Marine Science, Wilmington, NC (USA).
- Surprenant M, Jarvis J, López-Legentil S (2022) Ascidian abundance and diversity in NC seagrass meadows. UNCW Center for Marine Science, Wilmington, NC (USA).
- Lindsay C, Surprenant M, López-Legentil S (2022) Genetic diversity of the pleated sea-squirt in the Masonboro Channel. UNCW CSURF Undergraduate Research Showcase, Wilmington, NC (USA)
- Ormond T, López-Legentil S (2022) Genetic diversity over time: Has the population of the sea squirt Styela plicata at the UNCW Center for Marine Science docks remained stable since 2007? UNCW CSURF Undergraduate Research Showcase, Wilmington, NC (USA).
- Surprenant M, Jarvis J, López-Legentil S (2022) Ascidian diversity and relative abundance in North Carolina seagrass meadows. Benthic Ecology Meeting, Portsmouth, NH (USA).
- López-Legentil S, Palanisamy SK, Smith KF, McCormack GP, Erwin PM (2022) Biogeographic patterns in the microbiomes of introduced ascidians. Benthic Ecology Meeting, Portsmouth, NH (USA).
- Hutchings B, Stiles E, López-Legentil S (2022) Swept away by the storm: Impact of Hurricane Florence on ascidian communities in North Carolina harbors and marinas. Benthic Ecology Meeting, Portsmouth, NH (USA).
- Dey C, Surprenant M, López-Legentil S (2021) Population genetic structure of the solitary sea-squirt Styela plicata over time at Masonboro Sound. Undergraduate Research Showcase. UNC Wilmington (virtual).
- Surprenant M, Jarvis J, López-Legentil S (2021) Ascidian abundance and diversity in North Carolina seagrass meadows. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (virtual).
- López-Legentil S (2020) Especies bioindicadoras de inavsiones: Ascidias nativas y exóticas en puertos y marinas de Puerto Rico. Universidad Interamericana Puerto Rico PR (USA).
- López-Legentil S (2020) Bioindicators of island invasions: Native and non-native sea-squirts in Puerto Rican harbors and marinas. University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez PR (USA).
- Watson N, López-Legentil S (2021) Genetic barcoding of unknown animal samples to identify an invasive species. CSURF Undergraduate Research Showcase (virtual).
- Evans JS, Erwin PM; Shenkar N, López-Legentil S (2019) Invasion of the sea squirts: characterizing the microbial communities of introduced ascidians. Global Marine Sciences Submit, UNCW Wilmington NC (USA).
- Hutchings B, López-Legentil S (2019) Swept away by the storm: A comparative study of the recovery ability of native and non-native ascidian species along NC’s coast following Hurricane Florence. Undergraduate Research Showcase. UNC Wilmington (USA).
- Hutchings B, López-Legentil S (2019) Swept away by the storm: A comparative study of the recovery ability of native and non-native ascidian species along NC’s coast following Hurricane Florence. Undergraduate Research Showcase. UNC Wilmington (USA).
- Evans JS, Erwin PM, Pawlik JR, López-Legentil S (2019) Detection and ecological relevance of distinct genetic clusters within the Caribbean barrel sponge Xestospongia muta. Benthic Ecology Meetings, St. Johns, Newfoundland (Canada).
- López-Legentil S (2019) Friends, foes and freeloaders: Microbial symbionts in native and introduced ascidians. Department of Biological Sciences, UNC Charlotte (USA)
- Stefaniak L, López-Legentil S (2019) Moving to the reef: historical and present observations of the worldwide introduced species Styela plicata in the Northwest Atlantic continental shelf. Benthic Ecology Meetings, St. Johns, Newfoundland (Canada).
- Erwin PM, Miloslavic M, López-Legentil S (2019) Distance-decay relationships in sponge microbiomes: A global perspective. Benthic Ecology Meetings, St. Johns, Newfoundland (Canada).
- Evans JS, López-Legentil S, Pawlik JR, Turnbull IG, Erwin PM (2019) Hidden in plain sight: do cryptic lineages of the giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta possess different microbial communities. Benthic Ecology Meetings, St. Johns, Newfoundland (Canada).
- Evans JS, Erwin PM; Shenkar N, López-Legentil S (2019) Invasion of the sea squirts: characterizing the microbial communities of introduced ascidians. Global Marine Sciences Submit, UNC Wilmington (USA).
- Evans JS, Erwin PM; Shenkar N, López-Legentil S (2019) Make new friends, or keep the old? Introduced and native sea squirts may use different strategies for sourcing microbial symbionts. Global Marine Sciences Submit, UNC Wilmington (USA).
- Thomas PA, Lopez-Legentil S, Wilbur AE, Kinsey ST (2019) Effects of air Exposure on markers of oxidative damage in an invasive tunicate (Styela plicata) and a native shellfish (Crassostrea virginica). Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, Tampa FL (USA).
- Stiles E, López-Legentil S (2019) Growth and recovery of ascidians in North Carolina harbors after Hurricane Florence. Undergraduate Research Showcase. UNC Wilmington (USA).
- Madison-Cooper E, Lopez-Legentil S (2019) Assessing the genetic identity of the widely distributed ascidian Molgula manhattensis in North Carolina. Undergraduate Research Showcase. UNC Wilmington (USA).
- López-Legentil S (2018) Ascidians and their microbial symbionts. Center for Advanced Studies of Blanes, Spanish National Research Council, Blanes (Spain).
- Evans JS, Erwin PM, Sihaloho HF, Shenkar N, López-Legentil S (2018) Color morphs of Distaplia bermudensis represent cryptic lineages with distinct microbiomes that remain structurally and functionally equivalent across different environments. International Invasive Sea Squirt Conference, Woods Hole MA (USA).
- Thomas P, Kinsey ST, López-Legentil S, Wilbur A (2018) Effects of air Exposure on markers of oxidative damage in an invasive tunicate (Styela plicata) and a native shellfish (Crassostrea virginica). International Invasive Sea Squirt Conference, Woods Hole MA (USA).
- Goddard-Dwyer M, López-Legentil S, Erwin PM (2018) Microbiome shifts across the native and invasive range of the ascidian Clavelina oblonga. International Invasive Sea Squirt Conference, Woods Hole MA (USA).
- Webb J, Counts B, Nydam M, López-Legentil S (2018) Two lineages of Polyandrocarpa zorritensis co-exist in the US southeastern Atlantic. International Invasive Sea Squirt Conference, Woods Hole MA (USA).
- Counts B, Turon X, López-Legentil S (2018) The Bahamas remain pristine: No introduced ascidians detected in reef and mangrove habitats. International Invasive Sea Squirt Conference, Woods Hole MA (USA).
- Webb J, Counts B, Nydam M, López-Legentil S (2018) Two lineages of Polyandrocarpa zorritensis co-exist in the US southeastern Atlantic. Spring UNCW Showcase of Student Research and Creativity, Wilmington NC (USA).
- Easson C, Thacker RW, Turon X, Erwin PM, López-Legentil S (2017) Temporal dynamics of sponge microbial communities. International Sponge Conference, Galway (Ireland).
- Riesgo A, Pérez-Portela R, Taboada S, Pita L, Erwin PM, Melis P, Xavier JR, López-Legentil S (2017) Genetic structure patterns in Atlanto-Mediterranean sponges: environmental factors and biological features driving connectivity in scenarios with mass-mortalities. International Sponge Conference, Galway (Ireland).
- López-Legentil S, Evans JS, Shenkar N, Erwin PM (2017) Introduced and native ascidian microbiomes from artificial versus natural habitats. 9th Tunicate International Meeting, New York (USA).
- Stefaniak L, López-Legentil S (2017) Moving to the reef: historical and present observations of the worldwide introduced species Styela plicata in the Northwest Atlantic continental shelf. 9th Tunicate International Meeting, New York (USA).
- Sihaloho H, Evans JS, Lambert G, López-Legentil S (2017) Color variation in an introduced ascidian reveals two distinct genetic lineages. 9th Tunicate International Meeting, New York (USA).
- Gewing M-T, López-Legentil S, Shenkar N (2017) Anthropogenic factors influencing invasive ascidian establishment in natural environments. 9th Tunicate International Meeting, New York (USA).
- Evans JS, López-Legentil S, Erwin PM (2017) Comparing the efficiency of two common DNA extraction kits in the characterization of microbial symbiotic communities from ascidian tissue. American Society for Microbiology – North Carolina Branch Annual Meeting, Raleigh NC (USA).
- Brown D, Keidel A, López-Legentil S, Frampton AR (2017) Virus hunting in ascidians (sea squirts). State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research & Creativity Symposium, Campbell University NC (USA).
- Garcia E, Posey M, López-Legentil S (2017) Juvenile permit size-class structure and population connectivity in Belize. 6th BTT International Symposium. Weston, FL (USA).
- Evans JS, Erwin PM, Shenkar N, López-Legentil S (2017) A comparison of microbial symbiont community structure and host specificity in introduced and native ascidians from artificial versus natural habitats. Benthic Ecology Meetings, Myrtle Beach SC (USA).
- Gantt S, López-Legentil S, Erwin PM (2017) Hard rock! Stable sponge microbiome in a heavy metal polluted environment. Benthic Ecology Meetings, Myrtle Beach SC (USA).
- Sihaloho HF, Erwin PM, López-Legentil S (2017) Symbionts as taxonomic tools: Cryptic lineages of the of the colonial ascidian Distaplia bermudensis host unique microbial communities. Benthic Ecology Meetings, Myrtle Beach SC (USA).
- Counts B, Turon X, López-Legentil S (2017) The lesser-known Caribbean ascidians: molecular and morphological identification of Bahamian species. Benthic Ecology Meetings, Myrtle Beach SC (USA).
- Pineda MC, Lorente B, López-Legentil S, Palacín C, Turon X (2016) Spatial heterogeneity, temporal homogeneity: genetic structure in harbor populations of the introduced ascidian Styela plicata. XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies. Porto (Portugal).
- Evans JS, López-Legentil S, Shenkar N, Erwin PM (2016) Aiding and abetting: characterizing the diversity, host- specificity, and potential function of microbial symbionts in introduced North Carolina ascidians. Meeting of the North Carolina Branch of the American Society for Microbiology. Wilmington NC (USA).
- Gantt S, López-Legentil S, Erwin PM (2016) Indifferent to pollution: Stable microbial communities in the sponge Crambe crambe from inside and outside a Mediterranean harbor. Meeting of the North Carolina Branch of the American Society for Microbiology. Wilmington NC (USA).
- Gewing M, López-Legentil S, Shenkar N (2016) Assessing which biotic and abiotic factors contribute to non- indigenous ascidians establishment on natural substrates. ParrotNet training school (EU COST actions). Marseille (France).
- Lopez-Guzman M, López-Legentil S, Hirose E, Erwin (2016) Biogeography and host-specificity of cyanobacterial symbionts in colonial ascidians. Benthic Ecology Meetings, Portland MN (USA).
- Villalobos S, Lambert G, Shenkar N, López-Legentil S (2016) Distribution and population dynamics of key ascidians in North Carolina harbors and marinas. Benthic Ecology Meetings, Portland MN (USA).
- Evans JS, Erwin PM, Shenkar N, López-Legentil S (2016) Diversity and host-specificity of microbial symbionts in ascidians from North Carolina harbors. Benthic Ecology Meetings, Portland MN (USA).
- Deignan LK, López-Legentil S, Pawlik JR (2016) Fine-scale spatial and size-structured genetic relatedness of the Caribbean giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta. Benthic Ecology Meetings, Portland MN (USA).
- Kharkevitch C, Villalobos S, Evans JS, Lopez-Legentil S (2016) Genetic analysis reveals two distinct lineages within the introduced species of the colonial ascidian Distaplia bermudensis in North Carolina. UNCW Spring Showcase of Student Research and Creativity, Wilmington NC (USA).
- Villalobos S, López-Legentil S (2015) Morphological and genetic characterization of introduced ascidians and their distribution patterns in North Carolina harbors and marinas. 10th UNCW Spring Student Research and Creativity Showcase, Wilmington NC (USA).
- Deignan LK, Pawlik JR, White JW, López-Legentil S (2015) Testing the Janzen-Connell hypothesis with fine-scale spatial and genetic analyses of the distribution of Caribbean giant barrel sponges. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Baltimore MD (USA).
- Cañete JI, Turon X, Sellanes J, López-Legentil S, da Rocha R (2015) Distribution of native and exotic ascidians in two areas of Chile with contrasting oceanographic features and human activity record. 3rd International Symposium on the effects of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans, Santos City (Brazil).
- Villalobos S, Lambert G, López-Legentil S (2015) Morphological and genetic characterization of introduced ascidians and their distribution patterns in North Carolina harbors and marinas. Benthic Ecology Meeting, Quebec (Canada).
- López-Legentil S, Lambert G, Stefaniak L (2014) Ascidian rapid assessment survey of North Carolina marinas July 2014. V International Invasive Sea Squirt Conference, Woods Hole MA (USA).
- López-Legentil S, Legentil ML, Erwin PM, Turon X (2014) Harbor networks as introduction patchworks: Contrasting distribution patterns of native and introduced ascidians. V International Invasive Sea Squirt Conference, Woods Hole MA (USA).
- Turon X, Cañete JI, Sellanes J, López-Legentil S, Rocha RM (2014) Distribution patterns of native and exotic ascidians in two areas of Chile with contrasting oceanographic features and human activity record. V International Invasive Sea Squirt Conference, Woods Hole MA (USA).
- Steindler L, Burgsdorf I, Erwin PM, López-Legentil S, Cerrano C, Haber M (2014) Biogeography rather than association with cyanobacteria structures symbiotic microbial communities in the marine sponge Petrosia ficiformis. 2nd International Symposium on Sponge Microbiology, Baltimore MD (USA).
- Pita L, López-Legentil S, Erwin PM, Riesgo A (2014) Microbial activity insights derived from metatranscriptomics. 2nd International Symposium on Sponge Microbiology, Baltimore MD (USA).
- Zhang F, Pita L, Erwin PM, Abaid S, López-Legentil S, Hill RT (2014) Stability and host specificity in symbiotic Archaea community structure associated with marine sponges. 2nd International Symposium on Sponge Microbiology, Baltimore MD (USA).
- Pineda MC, López-Legentil S, Turon X (2014) Life history of the introduced ascidian Styela plicata: Pathway to a holistic understanding. XVIII Simposio Ibérico de Estudios de Biología Marina, Gijon (Spain).
- López-Legentil S, Legentil ML, Erwin PM, Turon X (2014) Native and introduced ascidians in harbors of the NE Iberian Peninsula: distribution, diversity and abundance. XVIII Simposio Ibérico de Estudios de Biología Marina, Gijon (Spain).
- Schreiber L, Kjeldsen KU, Tegetmeyer H, Funch P, López-Legentil S, Dubilier N, Schramm A (2014) A tunicate- specific Endozoicomonas-lineage, and comparative genomics and physiology of the symbiotic Endozoicomonas clade. 15th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Seoul (South-Korea).
- Riesgo A, López-Legentil S, Leys SP, Giribet G (2013) Molecular machinery of germ line, sex determination, and vitellogenesis of sponges. 9th World Sponge Conference, Fremantle (Australia).
- Riesgo A, Blasco G, Erwin PM, Pérez-Portela R, López-Legentil S (2013) Tools for conservation of marine species subjected to population decimation in the Mediterranean: Optimization of microsatellite loci in the sponge Ircinia fasciculata. 9th World Sponge Conference, Fremantle (Australia).
- Pita L, Erwin PM, Turon X, López-Legentil S (2013) Till death do us apart: Stable sponge-bacteria associations under thermal and food shortage stresses. 9th World Sponge Conference, Fremantle (Australia).
- Pita L, Turon X, López-Legentil S, Erwin PM (2013) You’ve got a friend in me: High stability of Ircinia-associated bacterial communities over time and space. 9th World Sponge Conference, Fremantle (Australia).
- Riesgo A, Maldonado M, López-Legentil S, Giribet G (2013) Molecular evolution of the lysosomal cysteine proteases in sponges (Porifera). II Iberian Congress of Biological Systematics, CISA, Barcelona (Spain).
- Riesgo A, López-Legentil S, Leys SP, Giribet G (2013) The molecular machineries of germ line, sex determination, and vitellogenesis of sponges. ICREA Conference on the Evolution of Multicellularity, Barcelona (Spain).
- Pineda MC, Turon X, Pérez-Portela R, Lopez-Legentil S (2013) Life beyond death: Renewal of Styela plicata introduced populations after die-off episodes in North Carolina, USA. 7th International Tunicate Meeting, Naples (Italy).
- Legentil ML, Turon X, Erwin PM, Lopez-Legentil S (2013) Introduced ascidians in Catalan harbors (NE Spain). 7th International Tunicate Meeting, Naples (Italy).
- Erwin PM, Pineda MC, Webster N, Turon X, Lopez-Legentil S (2013) Deep sequencing of the ascidian microbiome. 7th International Tunicate Meeting, Naples (Italy).
- Hirose E, Turon X, López-Legentil S, Erwin PM, Hirose M (2012) Caribbean Prochloron and their host ascidians. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan, Osaka (Japan).
- Rius M, Pineda MC, McQuaid C, Turon X, López-Legentil S, Ordoñez V (2012) Abiotic factors mediating dispersal: An analysis of stress sensitivity across multiple life-history stages. 10th International Larval Biology Symposium. Berkeley CA (United States).
- López-Legentil S, Erwin PM, Velasco M, Espluga R, Turon X (2012) Relationship between host life-cycle and bacterial symbiont diversity in the Mediterranean ascidian Didemnum fulgens. XVII Simposio Ibérico de Estudios de Biología Marina, San Sebastián (Spain).
- Turon X, Pita L, González-Pech R, Pujals-Paunero A, López-Legentil S, Erwin PM (2012) A faithful marriage: Temporal and spatial stability of host-specific bacterial symbionts in three sympatric Ircinia spp. (Porifera). XVII Simposio Ibérico de Estudios de Biología Marina, San Sebastián (Spain).
- Pineda MC, McQuaid CD, Turon X, López-Legentil S, Ordóñez V, Rius M (2012) Tough adults, frail babies: Sensitivity to abiotic factors across multiple life-history stages of widely introduced marine invertebrates. XVII Simposio Ibérico de Estudios de Biología Marina, San Sebastián (Spain).
- Casado C, Kersting DK, López-Legentil S, Linares C (2012) Reproductive study of the Mediterranean coral Cladocora caespitosa (Anthozoa, Scleractinia). XVII Simposio Ibérico de Estudios de Biología Marina, San Sebastián (Spain).
- López-Legentil S (2012) Distant but not so different: Symbiotic relationships between bacteria and sponges and ascidians. Department of Cellular Biology – Seminar. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain).
- López-Legentil S (2012) A case of sponge-envy? An emerging picture of ascidian-associated bacterial communities. Lower Invertebrates Symbiosis with Microorganisms – Workshop. Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv and Eilat (Israel).
- Pineda MC, Webster N, Turon X, López-Legentil S (2012) Not so lower: Bacterial diversity in ascidians from the Great Barrier Reef. International Workshop on Lower Invertebrates Symbiosis with Microorganisms, Tel Aviv and Eilat (Israel).
- Erwin PM, López-Legentil S, Pita L, Turon X (2012) A specific mix of generalists: What shapes the unique structure of the sponge microbiota? International Workshop on Lower Invertebrates Symbiosis with Microorganisms, Tel Aviv and Eilat (Israel).
- Pita L, López-Legentil S, Erwin PM (2012) Assessing the fidelity of sponge-bacteria relationships: Spatial and host-specific structure of bacterial communities in Ircinia hosts. International Workshop on Lower Invertebrates Symbiosis with Microorganisms, Tel Aviv and Eilat (Israel).
- Pineda MC, López-Legentil S, Rius M, McQuaid C, Turon X (2011) A threat around the corner? Factors involved in the invasive potential of an introduced ascidian. VII International Conference in Marine Bioinvasions, Barcelona (Spain).
- Valero C, Pérez-Portela R, López-Legentil S (2011) Coming and going: Temporal genetic variability of the introduced sea squirt Styela plicata. VII International Conference in Marine Bioinvasions, Barcelona (Spain).
- López-Legentil S, Turon X, Song B (2011) Ascidian photosymbionts: Do we know who’s hiding in the tunic? 6th International Tunicate Meeting, Montreal (Canada).
- Pineda MC, López-Legentil S, Rius M, McQuaid C, Turon X (2011) Crossing the thin line between introduced and invasive species: Factors shaping the distribution and invasive potential of the solitary ascidian Styela plicata. 6th International Tunicate Meeting, Montreal (Canada).
- Pita L, Erwin PM, López-Legentil S (2011) Spatial variation and host-specificity of bacterial assemblages in Caribbean sponges. 1st International Symposium on Sponge Microbiology, Wüerzburg (Germany).
- Erwin PM, López-Legentil S, Pita L, Turon X (2011) Host-specificity and environmental structuring of bacterial symbionts in Mediterranean Ircinia spp. 1st International Symposium on Sponge Microbiology, Wüerzburg (Germany).
- Erwin PM, López-Legentil S, Pita L, Turon X (2011) Host-specificity and environmental structuring of bacterial symbionts in Mediterranean Ircinia spp. 4th Internal Symposium at the Center for Advanced Studies of Blanes (Spain).
- Loh T-L, López-Legentil S, Song B, Pawlik JR (2010) Investigating the growth and color morphs of the Caribbean sponge Mycale laevis. VIII World Sponge Conference, Girona (Spain).
- López-Legentil S, Erwin PM, Pawlik JR, Song B (2010) Ammonia oxidizing Archaea in bleaching barrel sponges: Diversity, distribution and ammonia monooxygenase expression. VIII World Sponge Conference, Girona (Spain).
- Pineda MC, López-Legentil S, Turon X (2010) Introducciones y expansiones: Diferenciación genética y patrones filogeográficos en la ascidia solitaria Styela plicata. XVI Simposio Ibérico de Estudios de Biología Marina, Alicante (Spain).
- López-Legentil (2010) Bleaching and stress in the redwoods of the reef. Biodiversity Research Institute – Seminar. Zoological Museum of Barcelona (Spain).
- López-Legentil S, Song B, Pawlik JR, Turon X (2010) Ascidian-cyanobacteria symbiosis. XVI Simposio Ibérico de Estudios de Biología Marina, Alicante (Spain).
- Pineda MC, Muntadas-Olivé A, Espluga-Garcia R, López-Legentil S, Turon X (2010) Ciclo reproductor de la ascidia invasora Styela plicata en el Mediterráneo noroccidental. XVI Simposio Ibérico de Estudios de Biología Marina, Alicante (Spain).
- Pineda MC, López-Legentil S, Turon X (2010) Global phylogeography of the solitary ascidian Styela plicata. International Invasive Sea-squirt Conference III, Woods Hole MA (USA).
- Loh T-L, López-Legentil S, Song B, Pawlik JR (2010) Phylogenetic analysis of the sponge genus Mycale (Demospongiae; Poecilosclerida): How valid is the current classification? The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Seattle WA (USA).
- López-Legentil S (2009) Marine science and business. Summer Ventures in Science and Mathematics, Seminar UNC Wilmington (USA).
- López-Legentil S, Erwin PM (2009) From marine biotechnology to valuation studies: The value of the sea for anti- cancer drug discovery. Marine Biotechnology Workshop, UNC Wilmington (United States).
- López-Legentil S, Song B, DeTure M, Baden D (2008) Isolation and localization of a non-ribosomal peptide synthetase / polyketide synthase complex from the toxic dinoflagellate Karenia brevis. Microbial Genomics & Metagenomics Workshop, Walnut Creek CA (USA).
- López-Legentil S, Pawlik JR (2008) Genetic structure of the giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta in northern Caribbean. 11th Coral Reef Symposium, Fort Lauderdale FL (United States).
- Pawlik JR, Henkel TP, Loh T-L, López-Legentil S, McMurray SE, Rohde S (2007) Testing an hypothesis on sponge chemical defenses using the wreck of the USS Spiegel Grove. 5th European Conference on Marine Natural Products, Ischia (Italy).
- Bontemps-Subielos N, Simon-Levert A, López-Legentil S, Banaigs B (2007) Pyridoacridine alkaloids within purple morphs of Cystodytes spp. (Ascidiacea: Polycitoridae). 5th European Conference on Marine Natural Products, Ischia (Italy).
- Song B, López-Legentil S, Pawlik JR (2007) Genetic investigation of archaeal nitrification in the Caribbean barrel sponge Xestospongia muta. American Society for Microbiology Conferences, Quebec (Canada).
- López-Legentil S (2007) Interdisciplinary approaches to marine chemical ecology: Polymorphism, secondary metabolite production and life cycle of a sea squirt. Department of Biology and Marine Biology – Seminar. UNC Wilmington (USA).
- López-Legentil S, Song B, McMurray S, Pawlik JR (2007) Using molecular tools to examine bleaching and stress in the Caribbean barrel sponge Xestospongia muta. 36th Annual Benthic Ecology Meetings, Atlanta GE (USA).
- López-Legentil S, Henkel TP, Pawlik JR (2007) Troubling taxonomy: The genus Callyspongia in the Caribbean. 36th Annual Benthic Ecology Meetings, Atlanta GE (USA).
- Pawlik JR, Henkel TP, Loh T-L, López-Legentil S, McMurray SE, Rohde S (2007) Insight into sponge ecology from the wreck of the USS Spiegel Grove. 36th Annual Benthic Ecology Meetings, Atlanta GE (USA).
- López-Legentil S, Song B, McMurray S, Pawlik JR (2006) Applications of QRT-PCR: Quantification of stress levels associated with bleaching in the giant barrel sponge. XIV Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology, Barcelona (Spain).
- Schupp P, López-Legentil S, Turon X (2006) Chemical and physical defenses against predators in Cystodytes (Ascidiacea). Gordon Research Conferences - Marine Natural Products, Ventura CA (USA).
- López-Legentil S, Turon X, Bontemps-Subielos N, Banaigs B (2005) Adjusting the budget: Is temporal variation on defense production related to other biological parameters? 4th European Conference on Marine Natural Products, Paris (France).
- López-Legentil S (2005) Assessing relationships between morphotype-chemotype-genotype to determine polymorphism. École Pratique des Hautes Études – Seminar. University of Perpignan (France).
- López-Legentil S, Turon X, Schupp P, Bontemps-Subielos N, Banaigs B (2004) Seasonal variation and anti- predatory properties of ascididemin, the major alkaloid of the ascidian Cystodytes dellechiajei. XI International Symposium of Marine Natural Products, Sorrento (Italy).
- Dieckmann R, López-Legentil S, Turon X, von Döhren H (2004) Direct rapid chemotyping of minute samples from tunicates, marine sponges and associated bacteria with MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry. XI International Symposium of Marine Natural Products, Sorrento (Italy).
- Bontemps-Subielos N, López-Legentil S, Jamme F, Long C, Banaigs B (2004) Intraspecific variability in the pyridoacridine composition of the ascidian Cystodytes dellechiajei. XI International Symposium of Marine Natural Products, Sorrento (Italy).
- López-Legentil S (2004) Patterns of palatability and toxicity of larvae and adults of colonial ascidians. Marine Laboratory – Seminar, University of Guam (USA).
- López-Legentil S, Dieckmann R, Turon X (2004) The usefulness of genetics and secondary chemistry in assessing intraspecies variability: The colonial ascidian Cystodytes dellechiajei. XIII Iberian Symposium on Marine Benthos, Canary Islands (Spain).
- Simon-Levert A, Hellio C, Marechal JP, López-Legentil S, Bontemps-Subielos N, Clare A, Banaigs B (2003) Antifouling activity of two ascidians (Aplidium aff. densum & Cystodytes dellechiajei) extracts and metabolites on the tropical barnacle Balanus amphitrite. Symposium of Marine Biology and Ecology, Athens (Greece).
- López-Legentil S, Grémare A, Vétion G, Roussiez V (2002) Biochemical characteristics of particulate organic matter. Temporal changes and comparison between sediment traps and surface sediments. XII Iberian Symposium on Marine Benthos, Gibraltar-La Línia (Spain).
- Roussiez V, Grémare A, Vétion G, López-Legentil S (2002) Consequences of two types of brief events on the biochemical characteristics of sedimenting and sedimented organic matter. XII Iberian Symposium on Marine Benthos, Gibraltar-La Línia (Spain).
- López-Legentil S, Turon X, Tarjuelo I (2002) Variability of the gene Cytocrome Oxidase I in ascidians: From population genetics to phylogeny. XII Iberian Symposium on Marine Benthos, Gibraltar-La Línia (Spain).
- Tarjuelo I, López-Legentil S, Codina M, Turon X (2002) Relationships of defense mechanisms of larvae and adults of colonial ascidians: Patterns of palatability and toxicity. V International Larval Biology Meetings, Vigo (Spain).
- López-Legentil S (2003) The importance of multidisciplinary approaches in assessing intraspecies variability in ascidians. Marine Laboratory – Seminar, University of Guam (USA).
- Grémare A, Amouroux JM, Charles F, Gili JM, Naudin JJ, Sardá R, Jordana E, López-Legentil S, Medernach L, Rossi S, Roussiez V (2001) Short and long-term effect of resuspension events on benthic communities in the Gulf of Lions. 36th European Marine Biology Symposium, Maó (Spain).
- Caralt S, López-Legentil S, Tarjuelo I, Turon X (2001) Comparative biology of Clavelina lepadiformis (Ascidiacea) populations from inside and outside harbors in western Mediterranean. 36th European Marine Biology Symposium, Maó (Spain).